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IPNA Online – International Pediatric Nephrology Association

Apply to host a Teaching Course

IPNA Teaching Courses are exceptional learning opportunities to bring international experts to your region and increase the knowledge and skills needed to treat children with kidney disease.



Before the course – Application

All applications should include a detailed budget estimation, bank details for transfer of the funds and the course program (detailed program including the names of the speakers). Please see below the templates for these documents.

If you have any difficulties submitting online Teaching Course application, please contact office IPNA directly. Please attach the budget, program and your Curriculum Vitae.

Application requirements

List of the application requirements
  • The courses last usually 1-3 days and tend to occur in underserved areas of the world.
  • They are usually attended by 50-200 people, including trainees, pediatric nephrologists, pediatricians, nurses and other health professionals. Other formats can also be proposed.
  • Examples of course formats include hands-on training courses, regional courses that are repeated at different locations during the year, and small group retreats with an experienced IPNA tutor.
  • The “IPNA teaching course program” does not sponsor general meetings of regional, national or international societies or larger congresses on specific topics. Applications for pre-congress and post-congress courses are discouraged, but can be accepted if the congress takes place in a second or third world locations and if the course is clearly identified as an “IPNA-sponsored course”.
  • IPNA will only cover speaker expenses during the duration of the course.
  • IPNA support cannot be used as a source of income for the main meeting. If speakers are invited to give additional lectures at the main meeting, the additional costs must be cover by the congress organization.
  • For courses two or more days in duration, the budget is limited to $7000 USD. For a one-day course, the budget is usually $5000 USD or less, but may be increased to $7000 USD if there is convincing justification.
  • IPNA sponsorship can only be used to pay for travel and accommodation of speakers that are active IPNA members, for educational material, or to promote attendance of young trainees.
  • Food and beverages cannot be included in the budget.
  • All IPNA Teaching Courses are nonprofit.
Teaching Course Application – Evaluation Criteria

Various measurer are applied when evaluating the applications received:

  • Economic development of the country: Favor those at most need; Gross national Income per capita (GNI) as defined by World Bank – dividing countries into low, lower middle, upper middle, high income levels https://datahelpdesk.worldbank.org/knowledgebase/articles/906519
  • Audience size: The more participants, the better
  • Audience type: IPNA should invest most in educating/training practitioners and trainees
  • New TC site: New TC site with no IPNA sponsored TC at this site in last 5 ys
  • Enduring materials for TC participants/others: TC materials available after the TC to participants and others provides more value than one that is not

During the course

At the beginning of each course, IPNA should be promoted by the course organizer or selected speaker. IPNA provides promotional materials to organizers for this purpose.

IPNA obtains photographs and videos from teaching courses for promotional use. Attendees are requested to provide consent to be photographed or video recorded for this purpose. Attendees who do not wish to have their image used by IPNA should contact the office and request their images be removed. IPNA will honour these requests to the best of its ability.

List of documents during the course:

After the course

As a condition of funding a Teaching Course, IPNA requires course organizers to submit a final report on the course to document attendance and learning outcomes.

Please note that IPNA strongly encourages the dissemination of teaching materials to all members. This can be done by providing PowerPoint slides or other materials (videos, PDF files etc.) to be posted to the IPNA website. Please send these materials directly to the IPNA office.

Please do not hesitate to contact IPNA Office if you have any questions – office@theipna.org


Teaching course application

For the upcoming courses please visit our page

IPNA App is here.

IPNA App is here.

We’re happy to announce that you can download our free app from now on.

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