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IPNA draws on the expertise of region Pediatric Nephrology Societies to achieve its mission.
The AFPNA was first created in 2000 with the first meeting in Cairo, Egypt. The current executive committee consists of a Secretary General and 3 IPNA councilors including 1 French speaking as well as representatives from 12 countries in Africa (both English and French).
In view of the diversity and distances in Africa, since 2013, the AFPNA biennal Congress has been successfully combined with the adult AFRAN congress.
AFPNA’s mission is to promote knowledge and communication among those interested in pediatric kidney disease, to improve care and treatment of diseases of the kidney and urinary tract in children in Africa.
IPNA has been instrumental in assisting the training of young paediatric nephrologists predominantly ‘in Africa for Africa’ and these fellows have almost exclusively all returned to their countries of origin after their training.
The AFPNA is also comprised of 18 French-Speaking African countries. It is a French-Speaking African Paediatric Nephrology Network born in Casablanca, Morocco, in February 2013. Its mission is to develop the Africa IPNA projects, to boost collaboration between the network members and discuss present and upcoming projects. One of the network’s objective is also to develop peritoneal dialysis for all African children who need it.
The American Society of Pediatric Nephrology is an organization of pediatric nephrologists and affiliated health care professionals. Our primary goals are to promote optimal care for children with kidney disease through advocacy, education and research; and to disseminate advances in clinical practice and scientific investigation.
Dr. Tadasu Sakai broached the idea of establishing a Working Group for Pediatric Nephrology in Asia in Philadelphia in 1980. After 6 years of further talks, core founding members were identified: Drs. Tadasu Sakai and Fumio Yamashita (Japan), KW Ko (Korea), CH Chen (Taiwan), RN Srivastava (India), WQ Kang (China), IGN Wila Wirya (Indonesia), Voranunt Suphipant (Thailand), Indon Lajin (Malaysia) and Carmelo Alfiler (Philippines).
The Asociación Latinoamericana de Nefrología Pediátrica – ALANEPE, funded in 1981, is a scientific organization, which gathers doctors specialized in Pediatric Nephrology and living in Latin American countries or affiliated to Latin American Associations in other countries. There are currently around 500 members.
ALANEPE is one of the seven regional societies that belong to the International Pediatric Nephrology Association – IPNA.
The Australian and New Zealand Paediatric Nephrology Association (ANZPNA) is a non-profit organization devoted to the care, prevention, education and research of kidney and related diseases in children.
The aim of the Society is to promote research knowledge of paediatric nephrology through teaching, scientific meetings and other methods, for the benefit of children with renal disease.
JSPN was founded in 1967 as a nonprofit corporation to enhance and assist the study and practice of pediatric nephrology, to meet the professional and continuing needs of its members, and to enlighten society for the early detection and appropriate treatments of pediatric kidney diseases.