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Dear IPNA members,
The Neonatal Kidney Collaborative (NKC) is an international, multi-disciplinary group of Pediatric Nephrologists and Neonatologists researching the incidence, causes, and outcomes of acute kidney injury in the neonatal population. You are receiving this letter because you are on the distribution list of this collaborative. In cooperation with the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), we are conducting this research study, and your participation is voluntary.
The aim of this study is to determine Pediatric Nephrologists’ and Neonatologists’ knowledge and clinical practice patterns in this area. You are being asked to participate in this research study survey because you are a practitioner in this field.
This survey has been approved by the MUSC Institutional Review Board. By completing this survey, you imply your understanding and agree to participate in the study. No identifying information is being collected; all results are anonymous. There is a risk of a loss of confidentiality with participation, however your responses will not be linked to you. If you have any concerns, please contact Dr. Heidi Steflik (steflikh@musc.edu). No renumeration is being offered for survey completion.
Survey access link: https://redcap.musc.edu/surveys/?s=A3ENA89XRYTNMEPW
We greatly appreciate you completing this survey. We estimate it will take ~20-30 minutes of your time.
Thank you,
On Behalf of the Neonatal Kidney Collaborative
Tahagod Mohamed, M.D, F.A.S.N
Director, Neonatal Nephrology
Pediatric Nephrologist
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
The Ohio State University