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Dear Fellow IPNA Members and Friends, As we are getting closer to the end of this year, we want to express our gratitude for everything you do to support our work at IPNA and for the difference you make in the lives of children with kidney disease. IPNA continues to develop a variety of methods to spread our knowledge and train physicians who are treating children in resource-poor communities. This year all members were provided online access to the latest edition of the Pediatric Nephrology Textbook (8th edition) and exclusive access to selected congress recordings from IPNA 2022. As valued members of our community, your support is pivotal to our accomplishing our mission! We would greatly appreciate having you review Give Now and Support Optimal Care for all Children with Kidney Disease (theipna.org/ipnafoundation) to consider donation options, including specifically supporting fellowships & teaching courses, establishing a legacy gift, or making a contribution in any amount. A contribution in any amount can be directed to emergency assistance through the IPNA Disaster Fund, a timely need in this challenging world! Our mission is to lead global efforts to successfully address the care of all children with kidney disease through advocacy, education, and training. Together we can meet our mission! Thank you for your support. With much gratitude |
Franz Schaefer, MD IPNA President/Secretary General John D Mahan, MD IPNA Treasurer |