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IPNA Online – International Pediatric Nephrology Association
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IPNA JEMs Program

IPNA Junior Empowerment and Mentorship (IPNA JEMs)

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IPNA JEMs Program IPNA Junior Empowerment and Mentorship (IPNA JEMs) Program Overview

The International Pediatric Nephrology Association (IPNA) Junior Mentoring Program is focused on members under 45 years of age, or in their early career as paediatric nephrologists. Junior members will apply to the program. If accepted, they will be paired with experienced members based on availability, aligned interests and mutual goals. Annual reports by junior members will evaluate the program. The program will be manged by members of the IPNA Juniors Committee, representatives from both the IPNA Executive Committee and the IPNA Administrative Office.

The program was officialy launched during the IPNA Congress in Calgary, in September 2022.

The IPNA-JEMS Program objectives are to…
1. aid junior members to develop effective and successful mentoring relationships
2. support junior members develop their personal, clinical, and scientific skills
3. facilitate career planning and professional development
4. encourage networking opportunities and collaborative research



Program Duration

The IPNA Juniors Mentoring Program is a three-year program, in line with the triennial IPNA Congress. Mentor-mentee pairs would be introduced face to face at a social event at each IPNA Congress. The program was launched at the 2022 IPNA Congress in Calgary.


Expected role of mentees are to:
1. identify potential mentors
2. establish a good relationship with the mentor
3. establish SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound) objectives with the help of the mentor
4. achieve set objectives within the specified time
5. agree on the frequency/format of meetings with their mentor (quarterly meetings are suggested; should meet a minimum of twice/year)
6. ensure periodic self-assessment of progress (annually)
7. Provide both annual progress and final report to the IPNA Junior Mentoring Program Committee, including number of formal meetings per year and accomplishments facilitated by the IPNA Juniors Mentoring Program


Expected role of mentors:
1. To establish a good relationship with the mentee
2. To help mentee establish individual SMART objectives
3. To help the mentee achieving their objectives within the specified time
4. Agree on the frequency and the format of meetings with the mentee
5. Ensure periodic assessment of progress (at least annually)
6. Provide a final report to the IPNA Junior Mentoring Committee

Program Format

Concerning the worldwide representativeness of IPNA and diversity of its members, namely the availability of resources and possibly related expectations; there will be no strict format of the program and its objectives. This will allow flexibility given that goals of mentee and mentor pairs, might differ significantly across regions. About the format of meetings, expectations are for quarterly or more frequent online meetings, with a minimum of at least two meetings per year and an annual face-to-face meeting, during regional society annual meetings if possible. The periodicity and format of the mentor-mentee meetings will also be aligned with their specific and individual goals.

Program Evaluation

Mentees will provide annual reports and feedback of the program through an online form/assessment process. Both mentors and mentees will complete an evaluation form and a final report, to assess whether goals and expectations of the mentors and mentees have been met, and whether the objectives of the program, have been met. IPNA Junior Mentoring Program Committee will be available to facilitate and mediate mentor-mentee communication whenever requested and necessary.

Inaugural IPNA Mentorship Program meeting during the IPNA Congress in Calgary, September 2022.

Mentorship Meeting, Calgary 2022
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